
CEA in 2007 turns to the design of taps and accessories for the bathroom: devoted to innovation, site-specific planning and product reinterpretation, CEA places passion, experience and specialization at the service of the architect, with design solutions of design, in the world of taps and bathroom accessories, forged with competence and foresight. All aspects of the design are involved: the technical-construction and installation ones, the design, the use of innovative materials with aesthetic and functional value, as well as the principles of sustainability and respect for the environment. The CEA collection includes taps and accessories for the bathroom and kitchen, outdoor showers and air destratifiers, and is characterized by low consumption, high quality and freedom of combination. CEA products carry the Made in Italy mark. CEA gives shape to ideas thanks to a pure, faithful and responsible material: AISI 316 / L stainless steel: pure because it does not require galvanic treatments or painting and is 100% recyclable. Faithful because it is an inert material with high impermeability and corrosion resistance, suitable for marine and thermal areas and wherever there is a high atmospheric pollution. Responsible because CEA works it cold, with the exclusive help of high-precision numerical control machines. Steel guarantees eternal life, because it requires minimal care and is always restorable. CEA accompanies the designer in the evolution of the work: the strong ecological vocation, the originality and the very high quality of the product are placed at the service of professionalism, with versatility, competence and efficiency.

Website: ceadesign.it

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